Make a Donation
If you have found the InterPals community helpful for finding penpals around the
world, we would be very grateful for any financial support you can afford.
Our website is fully funded by advertisements and donations from satisfied members and we do not plan to ever charge for our services. However, all donations, no matter how small, help us improve our site more quickly, add new features, and upgrade our servers to make sure that your experience at InterPals only gets better!
We have teamed with the online payment processor Paypal to handle donations. If you would like to make a contribution, please use the "Donate" button below.
We thank you for your contribution, and wish you a happy stay here at InterPals!
Our website is fully funded by advertisements and donations from satisfied members and we do not plan to ever charge for our services. However, all donations, no matter how small, help us improve our site more quickly, add new features, and upgrade our servers to make sure that your experience at InterPals only gets better!
We have teamed with the online payment processor Paypal to handle donations. If you would like to make a contribution, please use the "Donate" button below.
We thank you for your contribution, and wish you a happy stay here at InterPals!