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Vanessa, 34 y.o.

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 17 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 44.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2007
I\'m good, and you? I don\'t mind your rambling at all :D
Hopefully it was nice at your uncle\'s birthday party, it\'s no fun being by yourself and surrounded by a million grown ups.. Do you really think you could have Wir sind Helden play at your prom?? It seems like that would be very expensive, but also EXTREMELY AWESOME!! XD Well, I won\'t be home all weekend because my best friend invited me to go to a celebration with her. It\'s supposed to be a historical reenactment with the French and Native Americans, which basically means old men dressing in old clothes... You\'ll probably be doing much more exciting things this weekend : )
Reply - Conversation - Oct 7, 2007
Ohhh...that\'s fun...not!! haha!! School takes up way too much time...don\'t you agree?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2007
it\'s alright...I think they live near Hamburg. are you doing?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2007
Hi! It was fun reading your long reply! I hope you had lots of fun at your reunion. My family hasn\'t had one in a very long time because our family is very spread out and most of my relatives live very far away. That\'s funny about girls thinking of Bill Kaulitz as a god, I guess some people get really carried away with it. I just like their music :) I don\'t know much about Klee or Karpatenhund, but I\'m glad they are nice people as well as musicians. Oh and I really like Wir sind Helden!! They were stuck in my head all day today :D I\'m going to have to buy some of their songs soon. I was watching them on youtube and I think their music videos are really creative!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2007
Thanks for the suggestions! Since I\'m in America, there isn\'t much German music available. I listen to whatever I can get, and that means Tokio Hotel, which I\'m sure is one of the \"wannabe\" bands :) But they really taught me a lot of basic German and pronunciation. Then I recently found Klee, which is kind of techno/pop/club music, and I wouldn\'t normally listen to that, but it\'s not half bad. And my new love is Karpatenhund. The sad thing is that I can\'t download them on US iTunes and it costs $40 to ship the cd to America :( But I\'m always looking for new (good) German music, so I\'ll look up Wise Guys and Wir sind Helden. Also, do you like Silbermond? I\'ve heard of them, but not listened to them.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2007
Haha...yeah. I have family that lives in Germany and a couple years ago the asked me to spend the summer there. Maybe I\'ll take them up on their offer.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2007
Cool! I\'ll have to start reading them sometime. I wish I could go to Germany!! The only time that I really had was when I had a layover in Munich.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2007
I just started learning German this school year, so only for about a month and a half. I don\'t think it\'s too hard, lots of the vocabulary we\'re learning is similar to English. I just don\'t know all of the verb forms or when to use words like dir and mir. I also try to listen to German music to help words stick in my head.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2007
Ich bin gut, danke. (was that was right?) I\'ll have to start reading Angels and Demons soon. Thanks for the suggestion : ) I see you like the show Stargate, I used to watch that all the time when I was younger.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2007
AHH!! I know where Colonge is!! Cool!! Did you like the Da Vinci Code and Angles and Demons? I haven\'t read them, but I\'m really thinking about reading them.
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