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WONYOUNG, 34 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 106.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 2, 2010
I want " snail mail"

anybody who also want "snail mail" here?


leave here your "address".
inactive user
i love the twilight series
ive seen new moon already
i didnt really like the 1st movie but i loved new moon
you should watch it
have you read all 4 books?
inactive user
pretty good
how about yourself?
inactive user
Hello my name is Sarah.
I'm from the U.S.
I'm hear hoping to make new friends from different countries; so hope to heat from you soon!
inactive user
nae! bangapsubnida! hanguk jo a yo^^
inactive user
inactive user
hey! im sorry for not talking to u for so long~ do u have msn?? :)
inactive user
Being an university student is said to be the best time in ones life. For me it works. So far so good :D they could just delete all the exams and it would be perfect ^^

have fun at your uni. make lots of friends :p
inactive user
My birthday is in September. When is yours? I feel old cz I'm no longer a teen. I'll be 21 this year. How can I put 21 candles on one cake? so depressing. haha I'll be "Ahjuma" soon. Is that how u call old ladies?
inactive user
Polish and English don't differ much. I mean the writing. Polish has some additional letters but that's all. So it must be really hard for you cz you need to learn a whole different alphabet :/
By the way how are your English lessons going? Is your teacher ok?
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