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550868534, 30 y.o.
Changsha, China [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 63.
inactive user
inactive user
hi how are you
inactive user
Thank you! What time is it there?
inactive user
HEY! Friend!
i guess we have to know more and more each other. to me plz~
what's ur name and what can i call you?
and how old are you? when is ur birthday?
what is ur hobby? who is ur favorite star?
and can you tell me about ur country?

Love, Kathy♥
inactive user
您好吗?....I got a translator for that <----

haha! My name is Reina but you can call me Rara. okay?!

I hope to be your friend!
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2009
well, good luck^^!
Reply - Conversation - May 6, 2009
Heyya! How are you? What have u been up 2?
inactive user
hmm.... Cheer up~
i believe you can do well~ +_+
inactive user
hmm... entrance exam -ㅅ-
i have no entrance exam but my friends who live in Gyeonggido almost have entrance exam -_-;
i envy them and they envy me! hihi;
inactive user
long time no see~
my midterm exam is just over and now im free~
how have you been??
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