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Ashley, 31 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 209.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2010
i'm so happy. bacause Thanksgiving Day in US.
U know, i'm living in NY.
anyway, i ate some food a lot. :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2010
hey~ what's up?!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2010
hello ashleyy my name is Antony and i'm from Naples (italy) i do specificate the country 'cause i'veknown there's another city with the same name in the united states lol . However i apologize to u for my awful english this year im gonna study foreigner lenguages to university so im imporving my english, but i would really like to learn ducth 'cause i've a great dream in my life...flyng up to neverlands....i hope u can help me :P
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2010
Why do you want to learn portuguese?
What do you already know about it? For we can start... hehehe :D
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2010
Hi ;)
Nice to meet you, my name is Marcelo, I am from Brasil, Rio de Janeiro state. I would like to help you learn portuguese, if you want! ;)
I am very happy everytime that I find someone who wants to learn it and I am very glad if I can help.

hugs from Brasil
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2010
you remember me? :P
inactive user
Pretty good! about to start first year of college tomorrow!! So yea, that's exiting. How about you? what grade are you in? :D
inactive user
i'm same with you.

i have friend who is tallest guy in our grade,

he is mayb1 1.88cm is it normal in Netherland,....? kkk lol

what is normal height of men/woman.?

so unbelieveable...LOL
inactive user
how tall are you? 175cm? you seem to tall.. lol
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2010
Hehe, cool. :)
Wat heb je gedaan in Parijs? ^^
Lol, Brussel toe maar weer. Plak er nog maar een stad achteraan.
Haha, hier ook niet hoor, alleen de basisschool. Dx
Echt vet stom is dat. :P
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