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AcidOnion, 31 y.o.
Helsinki, Finland [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 62.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2014
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2012
Nothing to do....
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2012
Oh right....... i have school next week!!! >.<...
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2012
its okay and nothing cool happened just alot of random things that entertain no one
inactive user
Oh all right! Well it doesn't actually matter that you don't know what to do now. I mean, I'm studying to work in hotels and I don't like it anymore so... I'm in the same situation as you XD

How was your New Year's Eve??
I ate in a Japanese restaurant with a friend. Mmmmh yummy yummy <3 And then we went in a bar! So nice!!! =3

Haaa French rock band mh... Well, I can recommend you "Téléphone". This band doesn't exist anymore but it's one of my favorite bands!! As for an actual band uuuh.... -M- is nice, I like him. It's also a bit weird but it's rock music =)
Except them... Well I don't know. I don't listen to many French bands actually ^^"
Tell me some Finnish rock bands please!!! =D I would love to hear that ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2012
i'm really good you? (Happy New Year!!)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2012
???? nothing????
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2011
missing.... it ran away :)
inactive user
Studying everything? Haha all right! But there must be something you would like to do, isn't it? Something that interests you... No? =)

Hahaha I love Japan but I actually never eat Japanese food.... Weird, isn't it? O_o

OMG I'm watching a stupid tv show right now. With silly French forgotten singers.... STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!! Poor TV.....
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2011
xD i see well anything cool happen lately?
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