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Aila, 30 y.o.
Seattle, United States [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
3:1. Rays won the Red Sox lol
I think it's funny to watch :3 American Major league n _ n
inactive user
Oh that's seems like make you busy O ___ O !
well I went to church, did study and after that watched baseball match on TV ^____^ so cool match :P
inactive user
oh that's bad.
haha ..... then do something special :D like watch basekball match O -- O
inactive user
Hello!!! I love Italy!!! I live in Artena, a little town near Rome. And your town?
inactive user
oh what subject are you studying ?
inactive user
Hi Jennifer :)

haha that's cool. how is washington state ?
not much. after woke up just doing my homeowork.
you ?
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