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Alex Campbell, 29 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 299.
inactive user
Happy Birthday ^_^
inactive user

cool russian!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 26, 2014
Happy birthday to U!!!!!!!!! ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2014
Hey Alex.. read my message I wrote there something for you..
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2013
hi ^^
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2013
I'm sorry my reply is late. Oh my I feel bad about this! I need to revisit England. I've been gone for too long. No, Brits are ten times more friendly than Americans :D I always smile, yes xD haha

I love my job. And traveling is my life. And I do international flights to the Americas :) :D
inactive user
wow I'm impressed. you know a lot of languages ;)
inactive user
WOW how many languages do you speak?
inactive user
Haha! Nah, not robots, just fairly posh and proper Wizards from Hogwarts!! Yeah! Lol If all kids in the UK went to Hogwarts that is ;D ...jk jk and Yes he along with his name was ridiculously is ADORKABLE! :) almost anything with a "Mr." in a pet's name is most likely guaranteed cuteness ^_^ Aww puppy bears? That is a pretty cute posse homie A! Lol Not particularly, it is fairly predictable so boring.....I an a slave to routine :/ Actually I recently cane back from a trip from San Francisco and San José! Beautiful cities and people! ^_^ I met quite a few international people and even heard a lot of British there too, quite a surprise! Today I slept mostly whilst playing slenderman then attempted to skate today :3 Kinda failed but meh I am still learning, yes sir! Soo sorry for a late reply, hardly had time to write much then. How goes today as far as plans go?
inactive user
Lol I find that When Brits do an American accent it sounds like along the lines of a hick from the south x) Bullfrogs are rascally little creatures, but too adorable. I force fed Mr. Croagie with my fingers hahaha! Or with a small smooth opening of a baby spoon....yeahhh he still died xp hehe ahh never will forget it! Lol Any chunky pet is AUTOMATICALLY CUTE XD, guinea pigs chubby.little pods of fur! Sooo jelly you have a cute chunky posse! :0 Tea from Brit = too legit lmao that sounds like quite a bit of tea. Well here we wake up half dead, get a ventie from Starbucks and dred the rest of the work, might occasionally take a "nap" during it all! Really ^_^
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