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Minnie ^^, 29 y.o.

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1443.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2012
How have you been?
You changed your profile pic :) also nice.
inactive user
It's ok, don't worry ^^
I'm not going to school anymore, i'm like on holidays BUT, next week I have exams so I have to study T___T
inactive user
Yes, I had 2h of english then 2h of spanish. On the afternoon, I had 1h of history, 2h of sport and 1h of philosophy XD

Aww, fighting !! ^^
inactive user
Well I just study at shool but it's tiring because I had to study 8h a day T__T
Really ? At least, you've tried ^^
inactive user
Yes, I today as well i'm tired XD I work from 8am to 6pm T___T. School is so tiring !
Yes i've watched them all, they're all very cool XD, I wonder how they managed to organize something like that in the streets XD
inactive user
Well I'm tired XD I slept after school and my head hurt so much >.<
But now i'm fine, i'm watching Kpop flash mob all around the world XD. They're cool x)
inactive user
Hi, nice to meet you ^^
How are you ?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2012
SORRYYY i forgot to replyyy ! ):
I've been so busy, actuallyyy ): its terrible. I need some time to rest...):

I took some but its hard to see so I'll take more later (:

Yessss I really really like it ! :D
noooo problem ! if my friends leave weird comments on my page, just ignore it...haha (L
Oh thank youuu :D it changed a little because i took that picture a long time ago...but its so dirty...haha (:

To a university in my state ! University of Washington ((:
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2012
Thank you very much !! and you too.
;) I'm back interpals . ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 7, 2012
I'm not mad for your late replyyy ! i havent been here in a long long time too ! hahaa its ok I understand ((:
Well it stopped snowing and it only snowed for like...a its warm, kind of ! haha (:

I'll show some pictures to you soon, its seriously the ugliest school ever !!

YOU LOOK AMAZING I LOVE YOUR HAIRRRRR <3 haha (: you look so pretty !! i love your picture ((:

Yessss i do, just search "Emiko Hope" ((:
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