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BeatriceUtanF, 32 y.o.
Norrköping, Sweden [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 586.
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2009
Aww That's ok ~ Beatrice x] ///
Your computer break yet T T ?///

Aww thesedays I'm so busy so I couldn't come here ... moreover I couldn't sleep for 2 days so I'm very tired and painful now @_@ ;;; And I should do many homeworks so Maybe I can't sleep again for somedays ... <<< T^T
Reply - Conversation - Apr 15, 2009
He ~ Here have rain too on today :D ///
It's for a long time so I'm glad it now ~ :] Huhu

Ahah I'm readng book that It explain many different things between Western and eastern people // Thinking, Point of view, Philosophy etc /// And I surprised that Eastern and Western thinking is very different 0_0 /// It's very interested ~
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2009
Haha xD /// Here is sunny continue ~ ~ :] ///
And didn't have rain so very dry in here now > 3< ;;;
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2009
I have been good, too ^ ^/// Huhu
Oh, You went to Stockholm 8D/// Haha
Yesterday I went to see cherry blossom with my one friend /// I hope go with many friends but frineds were busy so T T ~
And I didn't have camera so I couldn't take pics moreover Yesterday's weather was better than 2days ago<<<­­­­ ;ㅂ;
But 2 day's ago I went to see cherry blossom so I too many pics x] // You can see my pics in my 'Random pic' album :D///
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2009
Hey ~ :D //
How have you been :] ?//
Ahah ~ Yesterday I was working btw I touched power line of computer to foot so It turned off ... I couldn't save <<< T 3T ;;; Aww so sad T_____T
Be careful when you work to computer <<<
inactive user
Haha, okej! :D Tack för filmtipset! :D
Skall gå in på msn och skicka dig länken så fort jag får tid! :)
Vi ses på msn! :D

Ha en bra dag!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2009
Ohhh Transfomer ~ ~ xD /// I love that movie // lol
So I'm waiting 'Transfomer 2 ' now x3 /// I can't really wait xD ///

Aww I'm sorry my answer was late > <;;;;; Well I went to karaoke with 3 friends so I sang 6~7 hours and we went to 'Jim jil bang'// It have rooms that like sauna and here can sleep and watch TV and buy something to eat :] // So we slept in here and next day we went to exhibition of famous pics // But It was missed that They were not real pictures > < ;;;
So I couldn't use internet ... :D ;;;;
And I went to Starbucks so we talked much with other 3 friends :3 ///
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2009
Aww..i love history, im must sound extremely nerdy :]
Im going to see a movie with a bunch of friends and hopely get some people hooked up, including myself...what are your plans?
inactive user
jaha, aja x) haha, jo det är han helt klart :D Vem är denne Tom Sturridge? Jag har visst lyckats missa honom :P Sökte på bilder på honom från google och damn, han var snygg. haha :D

nej, jag har inte läst den. Precis, jag väntar på den eftersom jag laddar hem den ja :)! Ifall den funkar kan jag ju skicka länken till dig, ifall du ens håller på med sånt :). Men annars finns ju böckerna :D Läser du på svenska eller engelska? :>

Jo, visst kan du det :D. adda; linn.92@hot... :)
inactive user
hahah, precis. xD Ja precis, Taylor är en riktig sötnos :)!
Jaså, så hom hejar på "de andra" hon ? :P
Jag håller just ju på att ladda*host*ner*host* alla Twilight-böckerna som ljudböcker ! :D Hoppas bara att det är bra kvalité, det verkar som om att det varierar från person till person om man kollar kommentarerna. :p
Haha, ja precis.. Den scenen borde de ha tagit med. :) Jaså? Att jag inte har tänkt på det. :o Borde nog ta och kolla upp det as soon as possible ! :D

Yes, jag har msn :)!
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