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Boram Kim, 32 y.o.
Kwangmyŏng, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 257.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2014
how have you been?
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2012
inactive user
OMG~!! that's so sweet~^^ I'm so haapy~ :D
here is my e-mail : [email protected]
I'll totally do :D
thank you dear !! :D If you want too we can do snail mail too !! :D you know letters and all !! **
that's really funny and cool when you see the hand writing of your friend in the other part of the world =D what do you think ?
inactive user
OMG~!! that's so sweet~^^ I'm so haapy~ :D
here is my e-mail : [email protected]
I'll totally do :D
thank you dear !! :D If you want too we can do snail mail too !! :D you know letters and all !! **
that's really funny and cool when you see the hand writing of your friend in the other part of the world =D what do you think ?
inactive user
hihiihi~ welcome ^^
thank you dear ^^you're so nice and lovely too ^^ <33
OMG !!! OO soo luckky~~ TT I envy her~~ T^T
I just can watch in the internet ><
yeah they are really awesome ^^ *o* hihiihi~~
Yeah I saw them in Youtube !!! :DDD they were so amazing~!! <333 :3
yeah !! :D I'll keep the faith :)) may be one day I'll see them ^^' hehe hopefully xD
thank you dear ^^ Oh by the way do you wanna snail mail with me ? :D It will be so cool !!:D and we can be more closer ^^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 24, 2010
oh.. so much time that i don't log in!

so u heard "girl from ipanema"? that's nice
it's a beautfull song..
the singer's name is Tom Jobin. however, there r many versions of this song.
inactive user
안녕 하세요! Ana 입니다! 만나서 반갑습니다!
Hello! I'm Ana! nice to meet you!:)
I want to learn Korean because I love their culture and language, and I want to live in Korea in the future!
If you want, I can teach you and help to improve your Spanish! and you can teach and help me for improve my Korean!
Waiting for your response.
take care and have a good day! xoxo
inactive user
OMG !!! I'm so happy~~ !!! You finally login !! :DDDDD
I miised you so so so so so much~~ T^T
I'm doing fine thank ^^ what about you ? =)))) <333
Of course I remember it !! :D I'll keep it for ever !! :D
inactive user
You really was thinking about me :') that's so nice from u :DD me too I was always thinking about u ^^
It's okay , never mind I'm not going to forget u ^^
friends like you never get forgotten :D
I wish u good luck and I hope that you'll pass it well :DD
I'm waiting for u ^^ Hwaiting !! :D
inactive user
Hi ^^how are u doing ? :D
miss talking with u ㅠ.ㅠ
so what's up ? what's the weather like in Kwangmyong ? :)))
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