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Sarah Rose, 33 y.o.
Vivian, United States [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 59.
inactive user
hey, shall we talk?
inactive user
tired...better lay that pretty head down wel it is the weekend, so rest up
inactive user
nice profile and pics :))
inactive user
yw sexy, nm here, just work and army stuff..
Reply - Conversation - Dec 1, 2007
heyy not much i just got home from a UCF game, we won! now im watching another game on TV to see who we\'re gonna play next week! How about you?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 1, 2007
nothen much im just tring to make dinner for every one
inactive user
hey how are you, saw the ad thought i\'d say hi
inactive user
Hey Sarah =]...IM GOOD..Just bored is all..But I found this totally awesome feel good song..Its totally making me feel good haha...ANd how are you^^??????
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2007
my turkey day was good.hahahaha
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2007
hey has been awhile huh? what have you been up too
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