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Charlley, 59 y.o.
Leeds, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 2 of 2.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2011
Hey Charley
Apologies for the long delay. I have been out of town for a little while and don't usually look at my mail while I am gone.
No I don't watch Isidingo as it comes on around 6 in the evening and I am not always available around that time. I know of few of my friends watch Isingo and they rave about it.
So what do you do for a living and recreation - if you wish to correspond you may mail me at [email protected]
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2011
Hey Charlley - you in the UK watching Isidingo. I thought that was a local TV show and only being shown in SA?l
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