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Coby, 33 y.o.
Shenzhen, China [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 240.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2008
在上海,會悶嗎? 只是你一個在那裡呀?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2008
Hello Coby! I'm interested in China. Maybe I can help you with your English and you can tell me things about China? I'm very interested in the culture. I hope we can be friends. =D
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2008
inactive user
nice, ice\'re making me jealous. You see, I just got a cold this week :( thankfully i\'m better now but I still won\'t risk having any ice cream for a while...otherwise I\'d love it sooo much :D
inactive user
hey, wow sry i haven\'t logged on for like a whole month and a half...yup, so just to let you know that I\'m still alive :D it\'s April and all the snow\'s melted! The spring weather is always fine, with the temperature at around 12C, isn\'t that great? btw, how\'s everything going? I heard that there\'s this huge certificate exam thing in HK. Do you have to prepare for that? I\'m having so many big things on my schedule that I feel so lost: math and physics to catch up with, school musical, and a piano recital...D: oh well, i suppose you\'re busier than i am :P hey, wanna know something? it\'s 19:30 and it\'s still bright outside!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2008
hello! i\'m good, thanks and you? thank you, i like your picture too! really beautiful :) do you know where it was taken?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 20, 2008
I\'m not very good in writing Chinese...
yes I have been to China 2 years ago
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2008
yes, I can speak Cantonese...and I\'m learning Mandarin at school...can you speak Cantonese ??
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