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Mady, 31 y.o.
Stuttgart, Germany [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 258.
inactive user
hmmm, do you get extra homework/assignments during that vacation period? if yes, then that vacation isn't that great, isnt it?
haha yeah, looking at all those crazy formulas and numbers give me headache. my physics class sucked even more because my partner was a crazy nerd who knew everything, so i got compared a lot by my teacher and peers, haha.
my favorite class is history, obviously, haha. but besides that, it's usually social study and literary related, like sociology, government, language, philosophy, etc. boring craps, i know, haha
what are your favorites?
inactive user
haha yeah, i heard of that before, don't you guys have at least one holiday in a month? hmmm, friend of a friend of a family member o_O that's quite far away, isn't it? lol of course it's perfectly cool if you know him directly, haha let's say you can make it here to usa, what are you planning to study?
which subject? haha, easy question. science, or be specific, PHYSICS!
ughhhhh!!!!!! no matter how hard i studied, i could never get good grades in science classes, i'm simply not the best scientist material out there o_O but i still love the concepts and ideas of science, it's just that my brain can't contain all that, haha, how about you?
inactive user
Hi~nice to meet you!
inactive user
ah i see, but you were taught british english in schools, huh? haha, yeah come to america if you want to study! i know germany has lots of great schools too, but american schools aren't bad either(except for a few, including one that i'm going right now xD just kidding haha)
why boston though? do you have a family or friend living there?
o_O lol you're in no position to complain, because my school started two weeks ago! see, this is why my school is a bad school, haha! so no excitements at all for going back?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2008
oh.. thanks!!
How about your today!
inactive user
me 2 =D nothing really much hehe ^-^
inactive user
hey wazzup? X)
inactive user
inactive user
haha well, i can't give you a crystal clear reason, but meehh, i don't know, it's just awesome, especially people say things slow and clearly. what type of english do you prefer, american or british?
lol actually many people name their kids like that. my korean name is kinda from my father's best childhood friend who died from car accident.
haha i love chillyness too, especially when i go to bed, my blanket and pillow and all chilly, that makes me happy xD
didn't school start in germany?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2008
Hi, nice meet you!
Ur pic is natural and so pretty^_^*
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