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DoDoLi, 34 y.o.
Luoyang, China [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2014
(Reply Message dated Nov. 11)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2014
Glad to hear from U again. 看來,您非常喜歡日本。以前我常去日本觀光,1991年下半年更在東京八王子公務進修了五個多月,後來也再去過日本幾趟,算來也有好多年沒有再去了。我對奈良的印象現在只剩下一點點。這幾年,我對日本的感覺不太好,部份的原因我想您身為中國人也應該會懂的。跟您說一個小秘密,我也是河南人,所以對您算有點倍感親切,以前和平後也曾倍伴現在巳上天堂的老姑姑回鄉探親一次,自己也跟香港的旅行團回河南幾個主要的城鎮逛了一逛,也算是再續前世情吧。
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2014
Reply - Conversation - Jul 30, 2012
Haven't heard from U for quite some time. How are U lately?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2011
How come you are going to change your profession from teaching to hotel service? I have visited all the cities you mentioned in your last email (but not including the teachers' training college in your beloved city). Well, I have travelled to so many places in the world that it is hardly possible for me to list them here. Just for your information, my latest travel in early October to early November (4 weeks) last month included the U.S.A. again (both east and west coasts but one city was my first time), Mexico again (this time for different cities on the Pacific side only), Guantemala, Costa Rica, Panama (including crossing the Panama Canal from the Atlantic side to the Pacific side), Colombia (or Columbia, but only one port city).
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2011
How come you are going to change your profession from teaching to hotel service? I have visited all the cities you mentioned in your last email (but not including the teachers' training college in your beloved city). Well, I have travelled to so many places in the world that it is hardly possible for me to list them here. Just for your information, my latest travel in early October to early November (4 weeks) last month included the U.S.A. again (both east and west coasts but one city was my first time), Mexico again (this time for different cities on the Pacific side only), Guantemala, Costa Rica, Panama (including crossing the Panama Canal from the Atlantic side to the Pacific side), Colombia (or Columbia, but only one port city).
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2011
Are you still studying at university in 洛阳 or elsewhere? Where have you travelled these years, I mean outside 洛阳? Your English is not bad at all, especially when comparatively speaking most of the mainland Chinese students are not good in English. At least, your English is much better than my Japanese!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2011
Why do you call me "老爷爷"? Sugar Daddy? Well, I have an affection for 洛阳 anyway. You are welcome to visit Hong Kong someday of course. By the way, I note that a 北村先生 appears in your personal profile. Is he your bf? Just curious. Joe
P.S. Sorry don't know how to input Chinese, though I can read and speak Chinese, both Mandarin and Cantonese.
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2011
your welcome. im pretty good thx. nice to meet you on the internet too. what are your hobbies?:}
Reply - Conversation - May 2, 2011
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