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Piyanut, 33 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 495.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2021
Привет старая подруга оставлю тут своё сообщение . =) что бы знала что не забыли тебя ))
inactive user
Where did you take your photos? They are great
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2017
Not yet. Because of an injury it was not possible.. I hope I can travel next year to Japan..
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2017
I do not love maths, I am just good in it xD
Nice to hear :)
I should learn but I am not motivated enough xD

Yes I know. I am thinking about to go there after my graduation in july. Sakura can be over then, but I can see Japan :))
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2017
same here..
have a lot to do with exam. and because I teach maths and so on I have less freetime now..
I am that often very sleep, when I got home xD
when do you have your exam? mine is in may but now I have to prepare for bigger tests.
I am a bit sick of it and I am happy when it is finished xD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2017
Yeah, sometimes when I have time I come in here.
But because of last year of school, I don't have much time.

How are you?
inactive user
Generally speaking I'm busy with my studies. Learning learning and learning sometimes it's very boring and stressful. I have to write my bachelor's thesis. I know it. When I have free time I always meet with my friend :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2017
Can't wait to talk to you again <3
inactive user
oh hello :) sorry I haven't been there for a long time. I'm very busy right now. What about you? Is everything alright? It was nice to get the message from you :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2016
Danke dir :))
I celebrated my birthday until now and I`m so sleepy..
I just forgot my password and my laptop was crushed, so it took long time until I remembered it^^ and a lot changed here. what about you? did something big happened at you? like to chat again with you :)
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