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FaYssaL, 39 y.o.
Le Havre, France [Current City]
Algiers, Algeria [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Graduate degree


Interpreter / Translator

Relationship status


Joined 5 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 151.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2022
Happy Birthday. I trust that you have a great day.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 2, 2018
hey ... I'm keen in practicing my spoken French. So let me know if you'd be interested...
inactive user
︂Co︂ol p︂i︂c m︂a︂n

︂Visit m︂y S︂EX D︂A︂TIN︂G̩ ︂pr︂of︂il︂e︂: ww︂︂w︂.︂o︂p︂t︂︂o︂︂k︂︂n︂︂o︂︂.︂︂c︂︂o︂m︂/︂︂i︂︂d︂4︂9︂︂5︂︂4
Waiting f︂or y︂o︂u.︂.︂.︂
inactive user
Hi. H︁o︁w a︁r︁e y︁ou︁?︁

V︁is︁i︁t︁ m︁y p︁a︁g︁e︁
︁Wa︁i︁ti︁ng f︁o︁r yo︁u︁..︁.̩
inactive user
Hi..... Maybe a video? it's :----> (Copy the link in the browser). id on my website 8976460 <----
inactive user
Hey! Add me Snapchat: sofiapov
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2018
Hello FaYssal,
Thanks for the offer for French/Arabic help. Maybe I can for now send messages in French and you can correct them if needed. Just short messages like these. I do have a lot going "on my plate" and trying to get organized.
Also, thanks for the complement on how I put words together. I've dabbed in songs, poetry in French, and working towards a small business in communication that deals mostly in helping others through past traumas or other limiting stuff in their lives. My plans are to do this in France as well.
Que tu sois une bonne journée/soirée.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2018
Hello, I'm so glad you love dogs. Also, I did take time to read your entertaining, witty and yes, lengthy introduction of yourself. I would hope that you would understand, I'm not used to talking about myself. Reading yours and those of others has been helpful for ideas on what to share. That said, I'm "gearing up" for spending time to write one, probably lengthy as well so that when you read it, you'll get better glimpse of the simple yet complex me. Oh and btw, I'm am currently using and have a tutor via Skype who lives near Le Havre. I hope to stop in the city in 2020. Also, since I'm talking about language, I have a high interest in Arabic, but got to get fluent first in French. Salut.
inactive user
nice profile, very philosophical indeed
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