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Gail, 57 y.o.


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 187.
inactive user
Friends can save you, friends can also destroy you, like all people. Everything depends on how your attitude is towards other people. With all the media today, friendship got a hard blow, cause there is no real thought anymore about what people say. If you try to write a letter to someone, you'll discover it takes time and investment. But the reward is that you liberate yourself, and give someone else a huge present, that is yourself.
You must be creative, and find a mutual intrest and understanding. Fascinating !!!!
inactive user
Friendship is tough working. It goes with ups and downs. Words can easily be misunderstood. But if people really try to understand, to share, and show intrest in each other they make a chance. It's a long journey, but worthwhile the whole way !!
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2011
Just thought I'd say hi seeing as I work in GY ! So HI !
inactive user
Loved the profile,Honest and to the point.
inactive user
greetngs from glasgow after all this tiime hope you are well
inactive user
Hi ya Gail,
Greetings from Melbourne,
passing through,
Smiles and waves :-)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 14, 2010
Hi Gail,

just saying hi from, what on here, is a relative neighbour !
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2009
hello ,
how r u?i am male from india and would like to have penpals from around the world if u want to be my friend just write a mail to me at [email protected]
inactive user
Hi to ya!
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2009
Hello for Scranton, Pennsylvania !
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