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Ryan, 42 y.o.
Brighton, United Kingdom [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 197.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2016
I'm great.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2016
Oh gosh that's so cute. :D
inactive user
I like anime also, miyazaki films are my favorite.
inactive user
I bet you're tired of people telling you look like Jack Black.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2010
same here i wanna know the origine of human beings:)
oh maybe ppl around you tell you that you resemble him!
i noticed that at once on your picture and i felt it you are him when i read your profile! (i mean not only your appearence but also your character)
i love to watch some documentary about human, mind, history etc..
what would you answer if somebody ask you'what's the difference between human beings and other animal?"
i'm gonna say haman have an abillity to ask why twice:)
when i read a poem written by richard faynman, and after watching a ducumantary about human mind, i decide to answer so.
faynman wrote this poem at age 7.
I wonder I wonder
I wonder why I wonder
I wonder I wonder
"is it a peom?" what's this?"---you could say so.
but look at the second sentence, other animals can't think so.
they also have some question about something too, but the power of thoughts and its deapth make human being special then any other thing.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2010
oh you seem so cool guy~
yeah i can see some of your character from your profile- you have no fear and you are born with the social gene :)
you resemble the guy in the movie- school of rock!
and you read good books:)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2010

Actually I plan for my next tattoo to be the the Rebel alliance symbol ^_^ Haha you cannot get more geeky then that can you?

It would have been WAY to awesome if Lucus had Mace bust out some Pulp Fiction line :P Another one of my favorite movies! Have you seen Inglorious Bastards yet? If not, you need to get that from your friend as well :P

Haha the can of beans would have clinch it ^_^ "What is this bean Juice?"
"Human bean juice."

Today I am feeling a lot better. Just a bit of a swollen throat but that is about it. I am actually pretty happy and sad. Happy because it snowed so much even my college classes where canceled...sad because that means I am snowed in...and kids are not like they where when I was young...None of them go around looking for cash by shoveling snow anymore. I do not want to shovel the snow!!!! >.<

Awww jerk face T_T I want an iPhone!!! I have a horribly bulky is okay. My mom got herself a blackberry storm...and does not even know how to use it lol.

Zordon?....I have no clue to who this robot is...maybe something Dr. Who.....
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2010
Oh I am Jedi all the way sir ^_^ Haha Grevious is kind of cool. I actually haven't started watching the Clone Wars cartoon >.< I have them on my netflix que though :P

Mace is badass with his pimp purple light saber. Haha yeah Obi Wan kicks some major ***....but there are way to many contradictions in the newer SW movies that I cannot seem to over sadden me T_T Have you seen the movie Fanboys? If must rent is right now! I am sure you would get some awesome geeky kicks from it :P

Haha aww thanks :P I think I would go for the original Mystique costume ^_^ I have loved it since I was a kid.

Oh wow that is pretty cool. I love Halloween ^_^ One of the best holidays ever...who doesn't like dressing up and getting candy? Haha except it is more along the lines of getting dressed up dancing and drinking for me now :P
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2010
Haha I imagine a mask like that would cost a pretty penny, lol but it might just be totally worth it :P

This might make me sounds like a total ignorant American...but I did not think Halloween was really celebrated in the UK.

Hmmm geeks are quality people ^_^ Now if you say you love Star Wars then you are one of my new favorite people :P

No I do not really cosplay. Mainly because I am poor college student >.< If I had money to burn I would totally do so though! I think I would have to do Black Widow...then Maybe Domino :P Ooooo cannot forget about Psylocke or Mystique though ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 10, 2010
Ahhh how I love to meet fellow comic books geeks ^_^

I hope when they do come out with the Deadpool movie they have Wade make a comments about his beloved Bea Arthur :P Or have him craving some chimichanga :P

.....That is by far the best facebook picture I have EVER seen! :P
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