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Louise, 32 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 149.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2013
Hello Miss..
I joined here to improve my English, but I think we always have something to learn and also to teach. I'm looking for lasting friendships...
i find you more nice and cute , please tell me more about you.
waiting fotr your reply..
Mr H.Houari
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2010
Hey, we haven't talked in a while. How have you been?
inactive user
Well it would for sure. I work like caffeine XD.
I'm not sure being eaten by a zombie is my idea of foreplay, duh...
inactive user
Yo! The suns come out to play today, Melbourne weather is so crazy! Its official, this whole week the weather has dropped down to the low and cool 20+ degrees. Guess, gone are those warm sunny days I spend sitting in the park : ) Rains only good when you are sleeping, and I love it under a tin roof where you lay there and hear the tinkering of the drops! So its the start of a new week, lets hope it'll be a more productive week I hope.
inactive user
Hey my little friend! Hows your weekend, we had a gush of mad weather yesterday, came out of no where and plastered the inner CBD of Melbourne! Was quite freakish to be honest, basically it was like 26 degrees C in the morning with blue skies and sun and then about 2:30pm it just went completely nuts!!! Lets just say that I ended up staying home and missed my nieces birthday!
inactive user
Sleeping. Why sleep when you can have wonderful discussions about nothing with me. I feel very offended. :D
Why would you wanna do a guys corpse. Useless. Unless it's a zombie of course, although I'm not sure that would make much difference. Hm.
inactive user
Yarrawonga, sounds like its deep in sticks somewhere :P I probably have heard of it, though being a city boy from Melbourne have rarely ventured out beyond my comfort zone HAHA. Well I have been to Perth, Sydney, Brisbane ... still have Adelaide, Canberra, Tassie, and Darwin to get too LOL
inactive user
Its always nice when the parents head away, the peace in quiet they leave behind is always calming HAHA. So you heading away little budyd, where you going anyway? Its the long weekend coming up, not sure what I'll do, though I'm convinced I'll have some plans! My friend flies back from overseas in about a week, so this will be rather exciting to see him again. I'm suppose to catch up with a friend for dinner tonight, but the weather is making me want to stay inside and under my blanket HAHA!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 1, 2010
Hahaha You are so right, that is a pretty arrogant thing to say, sorry about that. I don't know if it helps, but I get my arrogance from my dad...
inactive user
I'll remember that when I hit mid life HAHAHA, not to buy a yellow or red car : ) My weekend wasn't too bad, relaxing somewhat but nothing special. I've just been taking it easy of late, maybe its old age or I'm just too lazy to go out at night as I seem to look at my bed which looks way too comfy to leave HAHA. How was your weekend my little friend, did you get up to much?
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