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Mattie Elisa (방민정), 31 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 974.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2011

it's been a long time
that I visit this site..

How r u?!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2010
ik was je profiel aan het lezen en toen las ik: I will (probably) start k-school this october!! wouw!! ^^
toen dacht ik wacht eens even.... XD hahah,,
inactive user
ik ken jou xD

ok stom ik keek dus wie op interpals zat uit Aalsmeer n__n
Benita&Valeska hebben ook interpals! :P
inactive user

long time no see=]

how r u =.]
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2010
how are u??? I 've forgoten about this interpals~
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2010
its okkkk..well..sorry for MY late reply hahaha :D so now we are even ^^
I hope you are better now like a lot better and feeling healthy :) because i hate it when my friends are sick ^^ im good thanks, i did my uni exam yesterday so im happy i have passed it , but today is my day off so i am just going to relax, have a few drinks with my friends and yea :) yourselffff? ;D
i would love to come to babysit with you and i have the best babysitting tool ever : the XBOX! hahaha .. then we could elsewhere doing something ;D
I know and I saw the royal family reactions when it h appened in front of them ,they were all like :o omg.. oh how was it this year? :)
well my dad speaks 6 different dialecs of chinese and my mum just french as second language but i dont talk to my dad anymore :/.
a good one would be to be with people you care about and care about you doing whatever :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2010
hey! so how was your day
inactive user
Haha.yeah, well is you get the time to then tell me when that is.
no, i havent read it, but it seems to be a bit different to the anime, so i thought maybe i should.
Lol. No i can't sing >_<
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2010
ahh,,thanks ^^

nice to meet you~
inactive user
i did it!!!!! hehe :) i am sorry mine is SoYun Park..T^T

and... i had 2 tests on Friday.. it was terrible
i live in homestay right now, but yesterday no one was in my home. i was very sad and scared so i sleptover in my friend's house. Finally my father is very upset..... :<

my school life is getting better... Actually i am not good at gym class, but i try hard evey time. So many friends talked to me in that class ^^
and... i talk with boys in Social Studies class ^^

the girls don't like talking with me.. i really don't know the reason why..T^T

uhmmm i think because of you, my english is getting better !! ^^
thank you so much!
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