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Helena, 29 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 344.
inactive user
Heleenaaaaa how are youuu?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2011
Hi Helena!! :D

I doubt that you even remember me, but I just got a spontaneous idea about login in here, which I haven't done in over a year! It's strange how quickly time passes sometimes... I'm Bodil, the swedish girl, by the way :p First of all I'd like to apologize for not responding to your letter last year, haha! But better late than never, right?
How's life nowadays then? :D xx
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2011
I think it meens that if you know a friend of yourself you wants to have a penpal from Germany i would be interested:P
inactive user
o bad Nadya!
ha i know, that means indonesia really bad in delivery post. I'm really sorry about that. i just asked you to confirm whether should i go to post office to ask for information or not. so after school imma go there.

so. . .
yesterday, thursday my school was off. so was your school? because it was a holy day for buddha's people. I went shopping, but not a nice shopping.
so its friday, finally weekend.yaaay
but next monday I'll write Try Out for the examination. u know, its like a practice before the real exam. I'm pretty nervous, bcuz the result of the Try Out will determine me in which class i will be. lower, medium or upper class. :((((
and how have u been?

when do u get your marks in a year? we get report four times in a year.

got a friends who wants to be Pia's penpal? i dont know wht u mean. I havent met him/her.

hey at the moment I love watching Junior Masterchef Australia. it's really nice show. the contestant is kid in 9 - 12 y old. Young, but they are incredible in cooking.

im sorry and thank you
take care
and i miss you
inactive user
helena, could you please answer my question.?
have you actually sent the letter to me?
inactive user
it's like, so rude if i tell you why i didnt reply your post :(
I'm sorry

actually, there's many things i've passed.
the pressure is getting harder at school, I'll face final exam in 2 months. I'm freaking nervous. and this february Im gonna get practice test, and on March is school exam, and on April is Final exam. after that from May to July I'll be FREE......and on August I'll be a high school student. omg, cool

so, i just have to study study study and study. I have to get good high school and good marks. yes
but i still do my photo in a spare time.

*take a deep breath*

aaand, next monday Imma do flexibility test, it's the part of PE.
i can do front roll, but i cant do . . .
huh ommagod

so how have you been? what do you do?

PS: I havent gotten your letteryet, maybe you just sent the letter after u got my letter.

take care <3
inactive user
my resolutions?
yeah I wrote many things as my resolution in this year. such as, I have to be in a good high school, get good marks in final examination, save my pocket money, and so on. this is my first resolution, bfore I had never made a resolution. haha New year were always boring to me.

hmmm, what city? I watched some germany news on tv. they talked about the christmas traditions in germany. pretty cool
i dont know Primarc, :P

i havent heard about that song yet. I knew 'Only Girl' and 'Nana'. rihanna is awesome, getting awesome.

not yet.. I havent gotten ur letter yet.

school has been gone for a week, but I've already got lots of homework. sucks. have u ever made a speech text? hehe of course you've
umm my homework is making a speech test, and in fact i dont like it.

have a nice weekend
inactive user
:D thanks. yeah i took it in Yogya. it is actually jump shot as well. but the unique part is the umbrella broke. haha it was a coincidentally,but awesome. hihi

wow cool, I'm going to go to Bali too on May or June. it has been so long time since my last visit.
umh yeah, quite near in the map but kinda far away for the real. lol

ummh, gathering with your whole family is always nice. always always n i c e ~,~
yeah, its 2011 now. do you have any resolution for 2011?
I've written down my resolutions for 2o11 and wish I can make it all come true.
so what did u do in new years eve? honestly, I didnt go anywhere. just stayed at home and slept, haha.

ah tomorrow is monday which means I have to go back to school and study harder than before. :( :)

have my letter got there?
inactive user
I just back from my holiday to Yogyakarta. i had a great time there, i went to some nature object. I went to some temple too. u know, indonesia got strong history, and got lots of temple. I went to Merapi's mount too. the mount just erupted last november. but now it has become tourist attraction.
aand of course I was making lots of photos. especially jump shot. haha I definitely love jump shot, its always fun. :DD

yeep, I like serena, she's beautiful and i love her style. umhh, i only watch some episodes, but i wanna watch more.

:) yea never mind, u had christmas. so, what have you up to?
tell me about your christmas.
weeew, u have got camera, awesome. so sign up on Flickr soon

inactive user
yeah, but she was leving her car in China because it broke. haha and now she's with my sister, i guess they're travelling Malang. and she is good at boxing. omg... maybe I can ask her to teach me a little. haha

I am freaking jealous. hikshiks I want snoooow. huaaaa
eat the snow? sorry? you can? I dont know before. that should be dirty to eat.

hoh okay today was my last day at school, and tomorrow my holiday will begin. anyplan? I dont know, maybe we are going to hang out with that Finland girl. hehe

yaa, I love Gossip girl as well. I watch it many times, and it's cool. you know, i think Nate is pretty cute. lol dont u think?

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