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Hyo jeong, 29 y.o.
Busan, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 8 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1034.
inactive user
hello ! 안녕하세요 ~ <3 omg im an igot7 too! :D who is your bias?
inactive user
Hello! How nice to hear from you again! :D
Europe travel? Wanna do it too once x3 But right now I am busy with studies.
How long were you in Germany? :D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 14, 2016
[Traveling time : 0622~0922]
[Travling City : France-Paris/Spain-Santiago, Barcelona/Serbia-Beograd/Italy-Rome, Firenze, Venice/Bosnia-Mostar/Croatia-Zagreb, Duvrovnik, Hvar/Austria-Wien/Czech-Prague/Germany-Munich, Fussen, Rotenbrug/Swiss-Interaken, Zermatt]
inactive user
South Korea and Japan.
-I love cute things.. :3
-Asia is so colorful :D
-I love k-dramas, animes, manga
- Sometimes they have advanced technologies (and funny technologies! :D)
- Asia food is yummy :3
- they have nice and curious traditions
- Culture is so interesting in both countries (it's really different from german culture)
Is that enough? :D haha
inactive user
Sounds nice ))
Korea is far away from Germany, but after I finish studying an have a good job I plan to travel around asia ))) It's one of m biggest dreamsl :D
inactive user
Well Lünen is a city but it isn't a big city.
But I like my city, it's not that dangerous like in Dortmund, Münster or Cologne.
When I am going on shopping, I go to Dortmund. ))
Cologne is a great city, too. When you come to Germany, then Cologne has a good entertainment in the region North - Rhine -Westphalia of Germany :D
How about your country?
inactive user
What exactly would you like to know?
inactive user
That sounds like you will have a lot of Fun :D
inactive user
I am doing good, too.. :D
Today I am learning and cleaning, but I am fine.
Which countries you plan to go?
inactive user
Hey. ;) How are you doing?
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