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Jax, 33 y.o.
Saint Charles, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 148.
inactive user
sorry for replying so late.......i m sorry...
well i did my masters in signal processing and communications....:) well right now i m looking for a job, just now done with my studies....:)

yeah, that's cool...i miss my school days..:(( music for 11 years that's really an addiction....well may be i hav to learn some music from that's gonna be nice, christmas is always amazing, going out wid friends and loads of fun...haha...:))

really, well then i would come to london this christmas...haha....well i hav been to UK only...
inactive user
hey, thanks for the message...:)) well i did my masters from edinburgh and now working in london...:))
that's nice to hear abt u...:)) so u enjoying ur school time...?? u do a lot of stuff, looks like u r a music girl...:)
so hw is everything going ?? hav u ever been to UK ??
inactive user
hey u there
inactive user
hey, yes u r right, may be first we should talk and then get friends..:) well i just finished my studies from edinburgh..and now enjoying my life a little bit..:) so tell me a bit abt urself....?? well i like interpal...wat's ur thought on this ??
inactive user
thz for comment! btw, what kyoot means??
inactive user
Eh, no worries, I dropped it for a few months too and i'm often lazy with it x)
yes I know, singing is very soothening~I suppose that your teacher uses breathing exercises & stuff like that too. I don't want to quit it >8( I will have a hard time studying and I want it to be my best break of the week but my teacher is going to leave (;_;) I will have to find a new one as well. And yep, it's quite expensive ; mine offered me a price 'cause I have known her for a long time but the new one won't be so easy-going I guess... I would really love to do theatre too, but I can't match it with my studies... my father works as a director, the whole world of theatre is quite fascinating (^_^)
I wrote in "English" but maybe you prefer me to write in french, next time ? (^_^)"
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2011
hey there! A whirlwind penpalship sounds pretty great :) How's your life and what are you up to for the summer?
inactive user
Oh hai, nice to meet you, thank you for commenting :3
Comment ça va ?

You have good tastes 8D and oh my, you sing opera ? like meeee :D Even if my teacher is rather unavailable at the moment...
Reply - Conversation - Dec 4, 2010
Hi. Nice to meet you!!
I'm Hye min.

ok. I will help your Korean. :D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 4, 2010
Hi 你好
I'm happy to know you want to learn Chinese, so if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask me~we may do some language exchange
Have a nice day!
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