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Josh, 32 y.o.
Sheffield, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 95.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2015
you were online 8 months ago!
inactive user
Well most of them are older than me so they had their birthdays earlier Haha Hopefully 23rd birthday doesn't come so soon Lol
inactive user
My friends keep telling me it's downhill from now on LOL When did I get so olddddd
inactive user
My god I just recently turned 22 and feel so old too :(( LOL
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2014
Happy Birthday Josh ;)
inactive user
I would love that, you know lol It will be the most useful one to take an advantage of you with. Just in case lol *wink wink* And how on earth are you aware of kakao? SUSPICIOUS and yeh, my ID is coolbritannia and my Skype ID is jiyoung.han11
Oh and you should use LINE which has less bugging and is more hipsterish than kakao (;
inactive user
Haha DEAL! (: I've been always afraid to empty them but I will try them properly as well if you do xP Oh then you should open your own Korean market or restaurant or whatsoever...maybe a culture shop thingy...dunno lol
inactive user
Happy B-day Dork!
you feeling like a lovely well loved peng mandem today :D?
inactive user
Tell me if you can't find any of them over there.
I'm really willing to send you some that I can be satisfied with you getting tortured by them jk xD And come on, Korean food is more dramatic than Chinese. People need to go for it lol
inactive user
I dunno if you can get them in an Asian market.
You have some Asian markets in Sheffield, don't you?
Oh and this guy has the same name with ya! You are not this secret youtuber, are you? lol
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