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Judith., 30 y.o.
Moerbeke, Belgium [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1647.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2011

it's looooong time no see.
remember me?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2009
I miss youoooooo <3
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2009
Juuud! I remembered you and spent some time searching for your profile here because i remember you were very fun to talk with :)
How are you??
I see you have not logged on here in a long time.. I hope you will get this message..
..tascha <3
inactive user
Hey there, how are you ? (:
Last time we've had a talk, was when you were going to Spain :O
Omg, i think we haven't talked in a longtime.
Merry Christmas btw :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2008
I haven't talked to you in like forever!!

We so have to catch
Reply - Conversation - Oct 9, 2008

long time no see.

how have u been?

did u rember me?

these days i have test during 1 weeks.

today 's test very bad =(

do u have any special happen??

or any happy things??

have a nice a day~!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2008
Hey Jude :)
I wonder if you forget me because i haven't been on interpals since august! I keep wanting to but then i forget every time i am near my computer >.<
So how are you now that school is back?
Right now i'm the middle of my two week spring break, i went for an audition this morning for a TV thing and i felt really confident about it but they said they would call back this afternoon and they never did... so... i guess that is a bad thing :(
I really wanted it too but oh well..
Other than that the holidays have been good so far although i have done nothing at all except sit at home :P
but i rearranged the furniture in my room and tidied it (it's been messy for MONTHS hehe) and i finally talked to this boy called David, who i have liked for a loooong time but i never talked to him.
Oh and that other boy from Denmark, i made friends with him :) :)
but the other boy i like lots better.
I've started learning the Cyrillic alphabet because i am in love with Russia, i really want to go there one day it seems so amazing with so much history and so much land etc.

bleeeeuuugghh, that's my life up until now.
Now tell me about yours :)


inactive user
For my dearest friendssssss:)
Im sorry i forward this to all of my friends.

I have been busy with my school stuffs. Oh yes, they drive me crazy so much. And Ive just got back from Israel, having holiday. But school starts tomorrow! Oh my gimme back my freedom :( So people, Im sorry im not that into interpals these days. If you want to talk to me, send me messages to my interpals account, or send me messages to [email protected] Its also my MSN, its ok if you want to add me :) feel free. Just send me note, that it is you, tell me your name :) Because i know it sucks when I have to ask, who is this. So anyway thank you so muchhh for your understanding :)

Have a good good day!
xx Tiffy.
inactive user
gij komt ook ni meer veel op interpals eh...

inactive user
hoi Judith.
ik verveel me. mss wordt het tijd dat ik ga slapen.
goedenacht ^^

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