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Dan, 38 y.o.
Macungie, United States [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 93.
inactive user
that sucks. seriously become involved with the DIY system. we had a really awesome venue for awhile called Jan's room, it was a room we had in the back of a warehouse in allentown but some art brats came in and turned it into an artists loft, and kicked all the renters out. sucks. so now were at a basement in bethlehem, but theres a rat lurking on the board or something so were having issues there. and one of the DIY venues in philly just closed which kinda sucks. i can give you show info if you want, im going to pretty many coming up. but if you do want info, not on here. give me your email or screenname if youre interested. i dont want to be responsible for another idiot ruining a venue (for the longest time, my friend was doing shows in his house, it was a well known venue but his landlord searched the address one day and found out that hundreds of shows had been held there and yeah.. the venue closed D:)
inactive user
oh yeah? well thanks :)
im Mary, nice to meet you (: haha
inactive user
ah. i dont like the mainstream scene at all, i havent stepped foot in the croc in maybe 3 years and the sterling 4. my friends run venues around here in rooms we rent in warehouses or in peoples basments or the occasional squat. much more fun than the croc which is poorly managed and has not so savory bands play i feel. my friend does sound there and says the same thing, ha.
inactive user
you should have gone, it was totally worth your last dollar. haha. grind is okay, some grind can get on my nerves and some of the grind kids that show up to shows need to go away. thrash is good, conquest for death came through allentown about a year ago and that was awesome, devin (the vocalist) is one of the nicest dudes ever. hes also in what happens next. have you been to many shows in the valley?
inactive user
oh! and i see you like sunn as well. i saw them on their most recent tour (i went to the philadelphia show).
takes the cake for weirdest and loudest show ive ever been to. my teeth were vibrating.
inactive user
hm, here are some of mine:
drudkh (probably my favorite), burzum, pagan hellfire, wolves in the throne room, ildjarn, etc.
how about yourself? are you into any other genres?
Reply - Conversation - May 14, 2009
yeah... me too
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2009
Electric Wizard and weedeater? Yes!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 22, 2009
yea its for the band suicide city(i believe they are from New york). Theres also a band here in the US called suicide silence
Reply - Conversation - Apr 21, 2009
Is that a bandname on your shirt? Is the first word suicide?! I can't really read it ^^
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