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Laoxu, 34 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 54.
inactive user
Your English is far better than my
inactive user
inactive user
Ha Thanks :)
Your english isn't too bad. It is better than most people on interpals :P

I understand. :)At the moment, I am taking a Japanese Literature class. It is so interesting to understand the views of different cultures i think.

Me, my major is physics, and a minor in Japanese. Though I intend to have a 2nd major but I haven't decided between French or German. I think I will choose French.
Hopefully, After my undergraduates are done, i will enter medical school. :)
inactive user
Ah that's ok! just keep practicing! :)
Mon français n'est pas le meilleur :P J'ai étudié pendant trois années.
Ma vie est de nos jours rapide. Je suis toujours très occupé avec l'école. mais..Je suis content :)
Êtes-vous un étudiant ?
inactive user
How are things going? va?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2009
hi :D

how u doin'?
inactive user
Have you Played Call Of Duty Worlds At War?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2009
Hello; I'm Anis, pharmacist, I speak French Arabic and English, my fancy is to know people of the world, may we know you
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2008
hi ~ how are u? i'll go to university next year ! ㅎㅎ
Reply - Conversation - Nov 25, 2008
je cherche quelque site mais c`est pas facil pour moi.

oui, j`aime le voyage.
en coree, je suis allee partout, masi je ne suis pas allee d`autre pays. sauf hongkong, en 2007 je suis allee a hongkong pendant 2 jour. c`etait treeeeeeeeeeees magnifiue~~~~~
et toi??
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