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Layyra, 31 y.o.
Oulu, Finland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 47.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2008
hi. i'm kara, from vancouver CANADA.
how is finland? my friend jonne just moved back there after living here in canada for a few years. what's it like there, besides cold?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2008
haha im sorry
i preferred if we talk here cause i find that.
once we add each other on msn.
we wont talk already
that's what usually happens
and im appearing offline most of the time to study
lets just stick with interpals alright?

my exams have started~! lol
Reply - Conversation - Jul 21, 2008
wow cool.
tell me about your trip when you're back kay.
ermm i went to the theme park.
im suffering from aches cause i was hugging onto the safety railings and stuff cause i was DOWNRIGHT TERRIFIED. LOL
i mean! im afraid of heights and my friends made me take rides that has gotta do with heights.
my GOD i was screaming my lungs out.
esp during the viking ship.
you know the one that goes all the way left and all the way right? lol. it was terrifying i tell you. lol

do you like to take thrilling rides? haha
inactive user
it is but there is nothing to do. i have 4 weeks of holiday left
inactive user
here its boring. Most of my friends have gone on summer vacations so there is nothing to do. And here its really hot.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2008
aww. thats so nice.
i'm having two very rainy days. :D

yeap! school started and now we all have to study.
pretty sad. haha.

so is your camp over already? you had fun right ? :D
inactive user
whats life like over there
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2008
Haha you'll have a blast in thailand.
shop till you drop! literally~ haha.

oh what is ridinc camp? aw. it was raining? that's sad.

haha well but sometimes maybe after you move to the big city then you'll miss your own small lil city? cause when the area is big, everyone is so foreign.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2008
haha hey. sorry for the late reply. went to thailand

ohhh i didnt know horses could have plasters. haha. cuteee.

ohhh yea, i live in a flat. oh why is it awful?? haha so if you live in a small village, im guessing you know everyone there?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2008
Okké It's very good :D
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