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Lee subin, 30 y.o.
Chuncheon, South Korea [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 131.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jul 17, 2010
inactive user
that's alright ^^

owwwhhhhhh boys ! whahaha. you like boys huh. lol. xD
handsome boys. alright. i wanna go to your school ! XD
i want those handsome boys. lol
inactive user
thank you for visiting^_^
inactive user
Im good! how are you!
Whats do you like to do?
inactive user
awwhhh i missed you too !!
like. i thought about you a few times. and how cute it was that you called me jubin. and like.. i once tried to find you. but i couldn't find you xD
thank you hun < 3

ohhh :O
are there boys in your school?
inactive user
Hey Im Reed!
Nice to meet you too!
inactive user
suuuuubin !! =DDD
i'm greaaat :D in my holidays. and i graduated ^^
how've you been?:O
owwhh. what do you do all day then? O.o
inactive user
I'm good^^
inactive user
awww Ok >.< that sucks Ö
oeh. and too late. i'm already sick XD yuk

awww serious? ^^
that's cute =DD ahh =D
where does your foreigner teacher come from? ^^
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