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Kyung-ha Kim, 32 y.o.
Incheon, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 86.
inactive user
Hey friend
Im so sory for my late reply.Coz Im stil summer holiday until 20 september.Its officall summer holiday yihuuuu.Im stil in Kusadası. İn here summer place in İzmir
You should see this link
Im sure its nice place in Turkey
Btw.Im really good. Coz I also have internet in now.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2010
i live in malaysia
do you know malaysia?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2010
you are so cute!!
inactive user
oh, these aren't many question for me haha
hehe, my writing of food are wrong of course but hope you'll understand. lol
takturitan, bulgogi, samgyopsal, ramyon, gimbap etc..
inactive user
mongolian national food are called buuz, hushur etc
but nowadays people don't eat mongolian national food all the time. They eat european, fastfood, korean and chinese food. yeah, these are popular here.
inactive user
yes, you can see not only many horses but sheep, camel, cow... yeah many animals.
unfortunately, you'll see that animal in the countrysides not in ulaanbaatar.
inactive user
oh yeah, the beach was great.
you can come to mongolia, and have a thousands of that pic :D:D:D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2010
nice to meet you too
inactive user
hi! nice too meet you too.
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2010
hi there~
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