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Luqman, 35 y.o.
Atlanta, United States [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 71.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 30, 2012
thank you for viewing ^^
inactive user
Thanks for viewing :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2012
Good snapback:p
inactive user
nothing! lol just go out to eat, watch movies etc. i don't really go but i think there's like 3 clubs i total and sometimes they have hip hop nights! :)
inactive user
haha it's not like that here in aus! like not everyone is on meds lol
yeh you americans are all the same lol your geography sucks :)
and do you mean melbourne?
yeh i go to the beaches in summer!! it's so nice!
and the city i live with there's mainly like business people and older people haha
inactive user
yeh it's more convenient that way! where are your pharmacies?
i live in canberra the capital city of aus. it's pretty quiet even though it's meant to be a city and it's really boring as well!! and no no where near a beach, i live 3 hours away from sydney, sydney has beaches...
inactive user
Lol! Um
We say cheers mate haha not sure if the brits do although our wordsare very similar lol!
inactive user
Lol wait for me or you? Um cheers is our slang for ' thank you ' lol
inactive user
Cheers for the view :)
inactive user
i don't know they just don't! yeh i know pharmacist get paid a lot over there and in canada.
i have some friends that want to move to Canada because of that reason!
i'm just going to work in a pharmacy in a mall or something not sure yet.
haha i'm not actually from sydney but i go there all the time. what do you want to know about it? it's a city lol
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