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Marcella, 30 y.o.
Assis, Brazil [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 777.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 18, 2013
Oii Marcela, tudobom ? Qual o teu estado?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2013
Oiiiiii :DDD how are you? we havent talked for eages! :)
inactive user
you are welcome Mercella :)
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2013
Hey! How is it going out there?
inactive user
Yeah, there are some good ones on here, trust me :), I've spoken to one of my German friends for over 4 years :D

Hmm, I don't really mind to be honest XD, well obviously from a cost point of view I'd prefer to see all of you in the UK, but I would like to come over there at some point, when I have a bit of money anyway :) Yeah, we definitely should meet up I think :D Oh and do you have skype, facebook, whatsapp or viber, by the way? :)
inactive user
I just like the language and I seem to get on with German people more than French ones, well, at least based on the people I've met on this website :) that and English people aren't supposed to like French people anyway ;D

Yeah, definitely :), I am determined to try to see as many of my Brazilian friends that I possibly can XD, I don't know if i'll save up and travel all over the country or wait until you all come over to the UK haha. Will you try and come over here after you've been to Germany? :)

Hmm, I want to go to the USA, Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Brazil and New Zealand :)
inactive user
Ahh, Germany is better than France anyway ;D, you made a good choice. I learnt German for about 7 years at school, so I definitely prefer it XD.

Finland is a very nice place :), especially if you know someone there, it makes life a lot easier and cheaper hehe. Make sure you go during late spring/summer, so you'll get the better weather haha. What countries do you want to go to? :)
inactive user
Oh right! XD Fair enough haha, why have you chosen Germany? :)

I'm back home now, it's just I can't change my location back yet XD, that's all. I was visiting a few friends over there :), I went for a week (7th-14th) I'll put some photos up from the trip soon :)
inactive user
Your trip? Where have you been/where are you going? : O I've been to Finland haha, I've not really been doing a lot else really :).
inactive user
Obrigado :) you are welcome !!
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