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Lalala yeyeye, 31 y.o.
Serang, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 95.
inactive user
Maaf Lahir Bathin
inactive user
aku juga dong.... makan-makannya hehehheheh
Penelitian mengenai manusia
inactive user
aku dari galaksi lain (^^,) lagi penelitian di bumi
Wakakakkakaka hey gak bantuin mama bikin ketupat ?
inactive user
mmmmm ALien
inactive user
ya iyalah. Anak kecil ama orang tua yg masih pengen kayak anak kecil hehhehehhe
inactive user
emang aku bocah wakakkakaka
inactive user
Lowong plonggg
inactive user
depok, Grandma lives in Depok. After that muter2 ke rumah saudara
inactive user
maksud loe
inactive user
muasa hahahhahaha yg muda nurut ama yg tua Huehehhehehe
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