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Neil, 28 y.o.
Cheshunt, United Kingdom [Current City]
London, United Kingdom [Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Flirting and romance


Sales Assistant

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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 342.
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Jul 13, 2021
Hi Friend ;
How are you ? Can we be friend here ? Nice to meet you ;
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2021
Reply - Conversation - Aug 2, 2017
Reply - Conversation - May 31, 2017
Yeah, for me it has to be at least 2 weeks in advance, but we put it in as soon as we can so that no two people are taking the same day off at once. I'm always up for trying new food, depends on what kind though, like I can't eat seafood, I get v sick. Have you ever had Korean food? I highly recommend it :D
I think you can do it! If you need any help, feel free to ask me because I love costumes and can help find ways to make it~
I main as D.Va and when I play with my friends, I normally don't go in the front to protect them (they can cover themselves) I actually go after snipers because they panic when they see someone running towards them instead of way from them. It's even better when it's a giant Mecha, Flies up from out of no where and then pushes them off the map.
Wow it's great how you are very open to these kinds of things ^^ especially because of how weird kpop can get, to really enjoy it, you have to listen to it with no prejudice. I'm going to send you a message with some links to MV's then, I'll only send a couple to not overwhelm you ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2017
Yeah I have to put in a time off request when it gets closer to October so I don't have to go to work that day. I hope one day you'll get the chance to come to a comic con over here~ Tickets are very hard to get sometimes, but it's worth it. And as for the photos, I'm a cosplayer and I've been doing it since I started with going to cons and we always love when people want to take photos with us, so there's no need to be shy when asking ^^
oh that sounds so cool~ How are you going to make Reaper, or buy it? And here we call him the Edgelord because his character is super edgy lol.
I can try and recommend you some songs/groups to listen to ^^ and I know K-pop isn't for everyone, but is there a certain type of music you like already? Do you want songs that are sung by boy groups or girl groups? (Both are awesome, some people have preferences though)
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2017
Oh cool! Comic con is so much fun. I managed to get tickets for New York Comic Con for this october. This one makes it 8 years in a row for me xD Did you cosplay? Also I like the D.Va in your profile pic, I actually plan on making her costume (i'm in the middle of it, but I haven't had the time to really work on it).
And aww that sucks. I'm more of a k-pop person myself though
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2017
Thanks! And yeah Rick and Morty is such a good show. It's really popular here, especially people in the teens and late 20s :D and to be honest, there's no such thing as normal anymore, everyone should be as weird as they want if that makes them who they are ^^
inactive user
Hi Neil thanks for the post. im having a really good day how about you?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2017
Thank you)
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