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Eirik, 32 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 424.
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this site is better -
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this site is better -
inactive user
Sinds wanneer ligt Bolsward 195 km van mij af?
Hoe gaat 't Eirik? :D
inactive user
I've read Jane Austen:)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2012
hey Eirik ^^
it's have been long time no talk
where are you ?
please when you came online don't forget to reply me and tell me how have you been ? ^^
inactive user
hi :)
inactive user
This is so funny stereotipes about Lithuanians :DDD
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2011
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2011
Ofcourse I could learn you some swedish, maybe you could learn me some dutch? Cause thats what you speak right? Haha, I have bad memory.
And yeah, in swedish we have like the english alfabeth but also å, ä and ö.

Hi = Hej ( but you can also say, hallå, tjena or hejsan)
How are you? = Hur mår du?
Bye = Hejdå
My name is Eirik = Jag heter Eirik (or more formal, mitt namn är Eirik)

Haha :D

Haha, no I dont't skii. I've been trying once, but it diddn't work. It's just not meant to be my sport xD

No, I don't like to being pictures. Maybe sometimes on holiday but schoolphoto etc. is awful. My smile is so ugly, and my teeths are yelow and ugly, even though my dentist says I have perfect teeths. Sorry for hating myself but thats true.

I've been wondering. Is it normal to go by bus or train in netherlands? Cause, in America, only poor people take the bus for example. But in Sweden, everybody go by bus, even the most succesful buissnes men. It's easier to go by bus than by car sometimes. It's quite weird. :)

Well again, I'm sorry for my late replay. But I'll be better, promise :)
I hope you're having a good time.
Oh, a last question. Do you have alot of snow in Holland during wintertime?

Best wishes from Elin.
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