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Soyoung Jung, 31 y.o.
Anyang-si, South Korea [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 141.
inactive user
first, I thought that junior prom will be a complete disaster..because in all rehearsals in was..
but luckily it was very good.. =)
and everybody says that it was the best :P
inactive user
this week is my shopping week..
I have to buy a dress for my junior prom.
but all of them are the same and boring.. :(
but I have to buy one till friday..(junior prom is on friday)..
inactive user
you're welcome =)

I just got home from shopping..and I'm very tired
and you?
inactive user
you just have trust in yourself eventhough you didn't do the exam very well..but you can't just refer to that..
the only thing you can do is to study hard and believe in yourself.
inactive user
was this exam very hard?
if it was..just try to forget it and try harder another time =)
I hope you'll do the others better!
inactive user
how many exams do you have?
it seem that you have an exam every second week..
and that's too much

good luck at the exam!
and study well =)
inactive user vacation has already started =)
it's so nice..because I don't have to study or wake up so early..and no homework!!
inactive user
:-D..i never want to study..i hate studying.
This wek we have vacation.finaly =]
And i just came home because i was in czech republic :-D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 25, 2009


I like Super Junior very very.
I'm thaifan.

inactive user
what is inferiority complex ?

I don't know what you should do..
find a way how to study easier..
everybody has a different way of studying..
find yours and I think you'll study much more easy =)
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