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Kiara, 32 y.o.
San Juan, Puerto Rico [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 204.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2014
me re copa tu onda, es lo mas reina
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2014
shame on my cow?....shame on you, cow XD
inactive user
I'm glad I'm awesome-er haha xD

Cool! Yeah it's difficult to choose Osaka or Kyoto. If you like historical and traditional place, Kyoto is an ideal city! But Osaka is the best one for getting delicious food :)
Have you decided which to go yet?

Haha yeah we're even! So I hope you can go to Venice and I can go to Ireland at some points xD

I'm really glad that you've got the opportunity suddenly! I imagine you were so delighted when you've got it :)
Thank you, I try my best to write up my dissertation ^^
inactive user
Haha you have a lot of favorites in Ghibli movies!
I like them too, in particular Kiki's delivery service is awesome :)

Yeah I guess Tokyo is expensive indeed! Oh so it'll be possible you'll get lost in the way in Hiroshima lol And Hiroshima is a big city xD
Ok, so I hope you and your sister can come to Tokyo together next summer :) It's amazing you go to Ireland too!! I've never been there, so I'm envious of you haha xD

Thank you ^^ I've already finished my exam and classes, so there's only dissertation left! I have to write 15000 words, so it must be tiring!
Reply - Conversation - May 31, 2014
Haha yo tambien entro baka tu...
Reply - Conversation - May 27, 2014
blablablabla ....I haven't been here in a while XD
inactive user
It's ok Kiara :)
I've been busy anyway! I'm glad you didn't forget me haha xD

It's great that you watched almost all Ghibli movies! ^^ What did you like the most? :)
Oh really? Just 2 weeks are really short. It's a shame you couldn't watch it ><; I hope you can get the DVD as soon as possible :P Now it's aired on the cinema in the UK, so I think I'm gonna watch it :)

Wow amazing!! You will go to Japan xD Matsuyama and Hiroshima, I think it's a good choice ^^
I've been to Hiroshima, and I love it! It's interesting, how did you choose Matsuyama and Hiroshima, not Tokyo?

I've doing good. although studying sooo muchhh lol
Take care you too, and I hope your final exam is finished asap xD Hang on :)
inactive user
Hi Kiara! How are you?
Sorry for my really late reply ><; I've been crazily busy these days. I hope you don't forget me lol
I hope everything goes well for you :)

I'm glad to hear you bought a lot of Ghibli movies xD Have you watched them? If so, let me know of the impression you've got ^^ I'm kind of Ghibli freak, so we can talk forever about Ghibli movies haha!

Have you heard yet that Ghibli will publish the new movie this summer? I think you'll like it!

Actually I don't still read the new volume of Shingeki no Kyojin, so I should read it as soon as possible xD
inactive user
Hi, sorry for my late reply, too! How have you been these days?
I've finally got to the UK and my class has started. But it's incredibly hard to keep up with classes ><;
Halloween is coming up, so you must be looking forward to it^^

Congraturations for your getting A+! It's fantastic :)
You're a good language learner!
yeah, definitely you should come to Japan and definitely I'll help you! Maybe I've already come back to Japan when you come there^^

Yes, it's so sad he retired ><; But today I saw a news that he has a desease in his heart, so it's a reason why he retired. I'm afraid of his health now!

It's true, all amusing things eventually come to an end :( So now you should start to read manga version of shingeki no kyojin XD
inactive user
Great! I saw your pictures, and they're really good!

Thanks a lot! I think my writing and reading is not bad, but I'm not good at speaking and listening><; So if you talk, you'll see how I'm poor lol

Ah, I see! B is still good :) But yeah, it's better you double check next time, and you'll get an A xD

That's a shame! Yeah, one year would be a little too short to learn Japanese. So if you come to Japan, we'll meet and I'll guide you Tokyo :)

Yes, he retired from making movies. There was a press conference on his retirement, and I felt sooo sad when I watched it ><;
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