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성건 , 33 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 663.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2010
Just drop by to say hi. It's been long time since we last talked. Hope you're fine.^__^
inactive user
hello again :D i am busy lately ^^ i travel much so i can't use internet often^^
ohhh i worked with kids before too!!! i liked this work :D
inactive user
Volunteer activity? for example??
I was Volunteer too ^^ I went to one kinder garden where i took care of kids ^^ it was very nice job^^ kids were so kind and cute^^
inactive user
ohhh good!!!
good to hear that!!
and what about your holidays??
any plans??^^
inactive user
how are you??^^
I am so tired cuz of school.
and soon i start my final exams ^^
at 21st June first exam ^^ eeeh^^
but i'm ok^^
inactive user
i'm pretty fine ^^
i am so tired^^
i should eat something now^^
ohh songs were great!!! thank you ^^
inactive user
ohhh thank you!!! i will download them now^^
i as in school today so i couldn't reply^^
how are you??^^
inactive user
[email protected]^^ my e-mail^^
inactive user
ohhh can you send me some of theirs songs??
inactive user
ohhh i like them^^ and i know this song^^
what else??^^
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