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Silvia, 35 y.o.
Hamburg, Germany [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 3 of 3.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2009
yep :D it was Linny.
Linny is good agent.
Linny got Sil here (H)
inactive user
WHAT THE PENON! *Kary has a heart attack*

Awwwwwwwwwww, my cocomocaaaaaaaa.. ONLY MINE! HUH? haha, wow.. hold on.. I bet it was Linny, ah yeah.. Linny Linny.. lol I tell you, Interpals changed my life! ah! hahaha. Yey, this is great to have you here, we can penon around here as well.. and then the website is gonna be named "interpenons" haha. aw :)

How are you? miss ya, cocomoca :)
Take care, and talk to you later on *hugs*

Cocomocotaaaaaaaa :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2009
Hallo Silvia,

schön von dir zu hören, denn wenn du in Marburg wohnst dann bist du nicht weit von mir entfernt. Ich wohne 25 Kilometer entfernt von Marburg, arbeite aber in Marburg. Wie gefällt dir Marburg und wie lange bist du schon hier?

Lasse es dir gut gehen und ich wünsche dir eine gute Zeit!

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