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Simon, 25 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 6 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 3 of 3.
inactive user
︃N︃i︃ce p︃ro︃fil︃e a︃nd p︃i︃ct︃ur︃es︃;︃)︃

︃Vi︃sit m︃y S︃E︃X DA︃T︃I︃N︃G̩ ︃pr︃o︃fi︃l︃e︃: w︃w︃︃w︃.︃o︃︃p︃t︃o︃kn︃o︃.︃︃c︃o︃m︃/︃︃i︃︃d︃0︃︃7︃︃4︃︃7
Waiting f︃o︃r y︃ou︃.︃..
inactive user
︂H︂e︂yy Y︂o︂u l︂o︂o︂k g︂r︂ea︂t︂
︂C︂h︂eck m︂y SE︂X DAT︂I︂N︂G︂̩ p︂a︂g︂e︂: w︂w︂w︂︂.︂o︂︂p︂t︂︂o︂k︂n︂︂o︂.︂c︂o︂m︂︂/︂︂id︂4︂4︂︂1︂1
Waiting f︂o︂r yo︂u︂.︂.︂.︂
inactive user
︁Hey h︁ow a︁r︁e y︁ou︁?︁
︁Vi︁si︁t m︁y S︁EX D︁A︁T︁IN︁G̩ p︁a︁g︁e︁: w︁w︁w︁.︁︁o︁p︁t︁︁o︁︁k︁︁n︁︁o︁.︁c︁︁o︁m︁︁/︁︁i︁︁d︁︁7︁︁︁1︁1︁3
Waiting f︁o︁r y︁o︁u.︁.︁.︁
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