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Stardustgurl, 32 y.o.
Magor, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 30, 2009
i miss you too huni ............
sowi man thingz have jus been a little hectic but i missed you soooooooooooooooo much more then you did.....
inactive user
Sorry, this user's privacy settings do not allow you to contact them. :P Why did I get that?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2008
you just keep getting sweeter and sweeter and for that i'll let you rest 1 night in complete serenity........... :)
inactive user would be great..well mine weekend is full of sudying..its easier keeping in mind the winter break,but still 2 weeks untillll it..
inactive user
hmm...lets see
football, soccer, basketball, etc.
but i usually play football lol
and field hockey lol hahaha well, its better than netball at least lol
Reply - Conversation - Dec 5, 2008
Sure, why not? Sometimes it takes me a little longer to reply, because my internet connection sucks (I'm usually tapping into my neighbor's wireless...) but I get to them when I can...

So, how's life?
inactive user
Hey you like slipknot? i am roy how are you
inactive user
tis ******* freeeeeeeeeezing
were u from? liek town wise
inactive user
l'm from korea

do you know korea?? :)
inactive user
Well.uhm the matter is,that i would like to try/see everything there, in the uk..;]. How has ur week been so far? Any plans for the weekend?:]
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