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Arthur, 31 y.o.
Lannion, France [Current City]
Sannois, France [Hometown]



Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Some college


Making some music and trying to write a good story !

Relationship status


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
inactive user
I'm everywhere o_o
inactive user
Yeah, I'm here pineapple B)
inactive user
Haha, it's okay) and our tastes are similar, so you have pretty good taste too ))
inactive user
w(゚o゚)w w(゚o゚)w ヽ(゚〇゚)ノ
inactive user
inactive user
Mate, some of your photos give off a bit of a grunge vibe.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2014
Bonjour Arthur ! Je trouve que tu as de très bons goûts, aussi bien en musique qu'en cinéma et séries ! Passe une très bonne journée ! =)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2014
Salut... Ça va? Je veux apprendre le français... Ton blog est parfait! On peut etre amis?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2014
You might just have the best taste I've ever seen xD
inactive user
adorable hair (: oh and I like your music taste more or less (;
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