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Selene, 31 y.o.
Tuxtla, Mexico [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 512.
inactive user
siipp!!stoy muy feliz y si es triste al mismo tiempo porq t acostumbrastes a estar y mirar tus amigos cada dia y esta ves estan separado.
gracias y ati tambien q t vaya bien
inactive user
pues fui a mexico por una semana para visitar mi fmailia. jajaja
preparandome para el primero dia d universidad!! siii!!
aqui nomas hablando con mis amigos. si tiene mucho tiempo q no emos hablado.
inactive user
hola amigitha!!
como has estado? mucho tiempo sin hablar. jajaja
espero que estes bien por hai
inactive user
Happy B-day To You~
inactive user
Its very cold here xD
inactive user
Happy new year xD
inactive user
uhm give me a question and i'll answer. most people ask me if it's a trend that young guys like nunas, or why do koreans eat so spicy food, etc :)
inactive user must be extremely respectful, basic thing. you want to know how is it like over here? like cities and everything? food, etc :)
inactive user
no sorry ㅠㅠ i don't have skype...and teaching pronunciation is very hard, especially for foreigners. i can't do that, im sorry
inactive user
what you want to learn, specifically? :)
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