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~BrAdY~, 32 y.o.
Belleview, United States [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
inactive user
i took them :)
inactive user
happy new years! ^.^
inactive user
can we claim planets too? cause i would really like to have neptune ^.^
really happy things or super happy people scare me. i try to stay away as much as possible.
wtf??? thats one creepy doll lol. i have this doll my dad's gf gave me and she creeps me out so much but i cant throw it away cause she always asks me about i always have to keep it on my dresser or something
inactive user
lol sharing is caring reminds me of those care bear things...i HATE THEM SO MUCH! they kinda creep me out... :D
what?? the moon? not fair xD
but i get the sun
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2008
yeah it was. hope yours was too.
inactive user
well then that would be awesome ^.^
but u would have to share it with one of my friends too because i told her once that we would take over the world together :)
btw merry christmas if u celebrate it xD
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2008
MERRY CHRISTMAS Brady. I hope is a great time for you and your whole family.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 23, 2008
hi Brady

today I will be going to worked at sea 4 week
inactive user
punk eats at ur feet? :O
well i dont think i have to worry about what disco does xD
but if u spam my mail i'll eat u :P
and prevent u from taking over the whole world.
inactive user
lmao xD
thats a very evil plan
but how r u going to make the whole world be scared of it?
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