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Matej, 44 y.o.
Koper, Slovenia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2017
Hello from America.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 7, 2016
Sure, they are mine, well I don't find them genious, in fact it was quite easy to come up with them :))
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2015
Hi )
What do you need from Russia?
Write me in a private message, if you still need it. ) I don't promise I can help with it 100%, cause I don't know what do you exactly need, but maybe I can help.
inactive user
Yap,it is something different indeed,that last song you recommended. Can imagine listening to it while relaxing in the bath tub. :)
Yeah,sure would be nice to continue our communication in our inboxes.. hehe. Feel free!
I enjoyed exchanging bands and songs with you. Have a nice evening!
inactive user
Hang on,I'll check out yours. (Nice to hear you like Maiden a lot as well ;))
inactive user
Oh,I just see you answered to my message on your own wall. No wonder I was waiting for a reply. :P It happened to me too before. :D
inactive user
Yes,you are right! It happened to me that when I first listened to a song I didn't like it so very much but then the more often I listened to it the more I liked it. :)
It might well work with some albums or bands,yeah.
I just started to search for some "new" bands (well,new to me!) on amazon and ordered four albums. ^_^ So the journey is not over yet. :)
Did you get to listen to the song I sent you the link to?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2015
I like Iron Maiden a lot :)
This Elvenking are a nice find, I like the song :)

There is an interesting song I came to love tell me what you think about it, sure it's exotic :)
inactive user
I did listen to your stuff now and must say it is okay...but... aaaah,something is missing for me that would push it onto my fave list. :)
Yeah,it is indeed surprising that I never heard of Rage. But then again I didn't hear of a lot of bands (german or not) because all those years I was so dedicated to Iron Maiden who are my Gods. ^_^
There is a song I wanna share with you which I listen to up and down by now,I like it a lot. Let's see what you think:
inactive user
Yap,yap,yap!! :D So exciting. It never gets boring to listen to such stuff. :)
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