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Ady, 28 y.o.
Manila, Philippines [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2011
wow ,
that is so amazing :-)
what did you do in here ???

hemm ,,
I had exam Last morning :-)
Reply - Conversation - May 31, 2011
I'm akera grom thailand
Nice to meet you Ady :)
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2011
you're welcome :)
nice =)
what's your name?
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2011
hey girl ^^
Long time not meet you . .

How are you ?
inactive user
i have it on reserve at the library but i haven't actually read it yet :/ alot of people have told me that they enjoy it though :)

have you ever heard of write called juliet marillier?? her writing is set in Ireland centuries ago, her series titled sevenwaters is really good :)
inactive user
I didn't really like Twilight that much, Eclipse was much better. Host is probably one of the best books I've ever read....!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 7, 2011
oo thats good :))
yea me too , if i see the interesting cover , i'll buy it and i read it :P
inactive user
i agree about the fantasy point, i read so much that i cannot help but compare it to my broing life :/ - makes for depressing stuff,

i also like stories dated in ancient era's, the sexism sucks but it makes for a good read
inactive user
Really! I'll have to look it up! I love books that make me think really hard. If you like sci-fi read 'The Host' by Stephanie Meyer (author of the Twilight Saga. You might not like Twilight but it's MUCH better than that series, by a LONG shot.
inactive user
yeah, would be much more interesting than reality :)

you have good taste in books - what did you think of the harry potter series?
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