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Agnes, 36 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 17 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 50.
inactive user

you love Ronaldo and Kaka kkk... I like kaka a lot too, his first team in brazil was sao paulo, this is my team here :P
i like KOREA team too! i have the J S PARK red shirt here.. Go go Reds!

i like Amuro Namie a lot too!! She\'s so pretty and has many cool musics... and she dances very well!

if you use MSN you can add me ok!

byebyeee 안녕히게세요
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2007
I have read the book in English, because it won\'t be available in my language till like February and I didn\'t want to wait so long.
So you don\'t like Ginny& Harry? Were you more a Cho& Harry fan? I wasnt\' really surprised by the way this worked out, because I think that Cho was still inlove with Cedric. :S
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2007
Yes those are great songs too. I see that you also like simmilar books as I do. :) Did you already read the 7th Harry Potter?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2007
Yes I really like Avril Lavigne. I have been listening to her music for several years and I think she\'s good. Which is your favourite song? Mine is probably still Skater boy, but I also like My happy ending and Nobody\'s home.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2007
Hi there, I was just looking at your profile and you have a nice one. So you\'re interested in music. That\'s cool. Anyway I just wanted to say hi and if you want to chat I am here. :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2007
ahnyunghaseyo? how are you? how is korea? so you\'re into playing the piri eh? i bet you\'ve been studying it for most of your life and you can play like a professional. i wish i could learn an instrument. i\'ve tried piano, but i dunno. i just ended up stopping. so you live in seoul? it looks like a niiiiiiice city. what do you do for fun there?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2007
hey!! how are you??? do yu want to be my friend??????? you seemm nice.. your so cute! lol like...... youd make any american man love you! theyll think ur gorgeous....... lol =]<3
inactive user
Hey, how are you? Read my profile amd contact me if you\'re interested in chatting ;-)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2007
I like your quotes ...very true and \"piri\" sounds cool I would love if you could send me an email and explain me what exactly is it? :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2007
Hey! :D
I haven\'t watched any K-dramas, I really should. Are they good?? I haven\'t watched that drama either, but now I surely will. :D
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