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Gyuri, 26 y.o.
Kimhae, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
inactive user
What up? :D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 27, 2014
lets we be friends?
inactive user
inactive user
I can teach you :D It'll be a honor xD Hope you'll learn well :D
inactive user
Hola ^^
My name is Hawoo (korean Name) from Mexico
How are you?
inactive user
:O In my city is the same :( I don't know someone who speaks korean, just chinese speakers :/
inactive user
hehehehe my poor korean T-T .. Do you know someone who speak spanish.. I mean in Kimhae?
inactive user
:D Last year I was learning korean and I learned how to say Hi and basic things, and I know how to write some korean words too :D
inactive user
:) I don't think it's that difficult xP I find it easier than spanish
inactive user
Yeah! I know :P Spanish Is difficult :) !
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